Things to Do in NYC to Make Unforgettable Memories



New York is a cosmopolitan city and houses people of various cultures and nationalities. Generally, traveling to US is on the bucket list of most people who love exploring various places. If you are one of them, you should be aware of the places to visit, food to try or even things to do in NYC so you can experience the best this vibrant city has to offer. 

Be it exploring the many museums in New York, visiting parks, shopping at budget-friendly places or checking out numerous restaurants in NYC, there are many things to do here to have a memorable trip. 

Here are top things to do in New York when visiting this gorgeous city. 

Visit the One World Observatory 

Check out the beautiful views of the city of New York from the One World Observatory. The viewing deck on the 100th floor is easily accessible through the elevator and takes around 47 seconds to reach the top. During this short journey, you might also be able to watch New York’s transformation from the early 1500s until today via the time-lapse technology. You can enjoy spectacular panoramic views of the popular landmarks, waterways and the beautiful skyline in this global city. 

Watch a Broadway Show

Watching a Broadway show is one of the best things to do in NYC. It’s a great idea for those who love performing arts. You will find numerous musical shows or plays being organized at Broadway. For those who are into music, it is said to host singers like Lady Gaga, John Legend, Alicia Keys among others occasionally. But if you are planning to attend any show, make sure you book the tickets along with your itinerary as these might be sold out at times. 

Pay a Visit to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum

Visiting the 9/11 Memorial and Museum is one of the best things to do in NYC this weekend. The museum is a prime example of the American architectural style and pays homage to the lives lost during 9/11. Spend some tranquil moments here and explore the showcase in leisure. 

Soak the Sun at the Central Park 

Spending time at the Central Park is one of the top things to do in NYC for a day. Spread over an area of 843 acres, this lush park is a popular tourist attraction in the city. You can explore the Central Park Zoo, Delacorte Theater, Bethesda Terrace, Central Park Carousel, Conservatory Garden or the Belvedere Castle here. If you are seeking to spend some time in solitude, you can just sit and soak in some sun at this park. 

Enjoy Sightseeing on a Jet Ski 

You can skip the bus tour to check out the various tourist attractions in New York and instead opt for jet ski ride. You will find a lot of organizers offering these services to both locals and tourists. Even if you have never used a jet ski before, you have nothing to worry as a guide will always accompany you to the best spots that provide exceptional views. It might take almost an hour for the jet ski tour and will likely take you to stops such as the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, Freedom Tower, Governor’s Island etc. 

Spend a Day at the NYC Beach 

Spending a day at the beach is one of the top 10 things to do in New York. You can simply spend the day in leisure by sitting and relaxing, reading a book or you can also choose to go on a quick swim. If you are visiting with a group of friends or family, you can also play some beach volleyball. Remember to pack your essentials like a sunscreen, water bottle, comfortable shoes etc in your bag before you head out for your beach adventure. 

There are a lot of other things to do in NYC to make sure you have the best time during your trip to this frenetic city. Comment below and let us know which of the things mentioned above would you like to do during your visit. 

You can now book cheap international flights to New York through Indian Eagle and save big on your travel expenses. So, why wait? Plan your itinerary today and get ready for your American adventure in NYC.

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