Thiruvananthapuram Unveils its First Floating Bridge for Tourists



The success story of the initiatives taken by Kerala tourism is known by everyone. In order to attract more tourists and gain more revenue the state government keeps enhancing its tourist spots while seamlessly building new attractions. The first floating bridge in the Thiruvananthapuram district is now open at Papanasam Beach as part of the State government’s visionary plan to build the structures in coastal areas. This is the seventh floating bridge in Kerala and highlights the commitment of the Department of Tourism to innovate tourism infrastructure.

What is a floating bridge?

A floating bridge is a special kind of structure that is built over bodies of water utilizing materials that float. Usually, it consists of floating blocks or pontoons to support the weight of the bridge. These bridges frequently have a stable walkway that allows passage over wide stretches of water without the use of conventional piers or other support components that are cemented to the ocean floor.

Collaborative Effort for Tourism Boost

The floating bridge in Varkala’s Papanasam beach is a collaborative effort between the Tourism department, the District Tourism Promotion Council (DTPC), Kerala Adventure Tourism Promotion Society, and the Varkala Municipality. Envisioned to boost tourism in the region, the bridge is a strategic move towards providing visitors with unique and scenic experiences.

Structural Features the Floating Bridge in Varkala 

Spanning 100 m in length and 3 m in width, the bridge boasts pillars on both sides for structural integrity. At the bridge’s end, a spacious platform measuring 11 m in length and 7 m in width offers visitors a stunning vantage point to appreciate the beauty of the sea. Built with 1,400 blocks of high-density floating polyethylene, the bridge stands as an engineering marvel.

Safety Measures for a Secure Experience

The floating bridge prioritizes the safety of its visitors and is outfitted with safety boats, life jackets, and vigilant lifeguards. This ensures that visitors can enjoy the scenic surroundings with confidence and peace of mind. The safety measures are integral to making the experience not only enjoyable but also secure for everyone.

The floating bridge in Varkala can welcome around 100 visitors at a time, and entry is permitted from 11 AM to 5 PM. This operational window allows visitors to make the most of their experience during daylight hours. With an innovative design and careful planning, the bridge promises to be a unique attraction for tourists seeking a distinctive coastal experience.

The introduction of the floating bridge in Varkala is just one step in the State’s broader tourism strategy. The Department of Tourism envisions further projects to enhance Kerala’s appeal as a tourist destination. This includes a focus on beach tourism and creating opportunities for both locals and tourists. The floating bridge in Papanasam beach serves as a promising symbol of Kerala’s commitment to innovation and sustainable tourism development.

If you love spending time admiring the clear waters, book flights to Thiruvananthapuram and visit the first floating bridge in Varkala via road. So, why wait? Plan your itinerary with Indian Eagle travel today!

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