Agnipath Recruitment Scheme Will Not Be Rolled Back



The government of India announced the Agnipath Recruitment Scheme to recruit people aged 17.5 to 21 years in the Indian Army, Air Force and the Navy. The eligibility requirements for age, job role for just 4 years, no pension scheme etc. wasn’t taken well by the aspirants, which resulted in country-wide protests.

Crowds started damaging government properties and burning stationary trains at many railway stations across India. Although the government later increased the age limit to 23 years for 2022, the protests only seemed to have been intensified.

In between the chaos, the Ministry of Defense on Sunday announced that they have no intention to roll back the Agnipath Recruitment Scheme. They have also asked the would-be Agniveers to pledge that they will not be taking part in any kind of arson or violence.

Amid the growing protests, Center has announced that they would work to accommodate the Agniveers in different departments within the government after they complete the 4-year service. Rajnath Singh, the Defense Minister of India has approved reservations in jobs for Agniveers and various Union Ministries have also promised to do the same.

Anand Mahindra Offers to Recruit the Agniveers

Industrialist Anand Mahindra expressed his concerns on social media and shared that the discipline and skills Agniveers will learn during their time working with the prestigious armed forces will make them ‘eminently employable’. He also stated that the Mahindra Group would welcome the opportunity to hire these highly-trained and capable young people after they finish their 4-year service.

When Anand was asked, what kind of role his firm will be willing to offer the Agniveers, he replied, they can fit in the Corporate Sector for roles in teamwork, leadership, and physical training. He added that Agniveers may provide professional solutions, be it in operations, administration or supply chain management.

Bharat Bandh Announced on 20th June

 There is a country-wide Bharat Bandh announced today, i.e, 20th June 2022. Tight security has been arranged in most states and hundreds of trains have been canceled. Many educational institutes have also announced a holiday in view of this bandh.

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